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Infatuation vs. Love

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Infatuation vs. Love Empty Infatuation vs. Love

Post by Jagrmeister Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:14 am

With feminism setting women "free", women have jettisoned the traditionalist "shackles" that restrained them from accessing their primitive mate selection programming.  Now the Hamster is in charge.  The old notions of LOVE correlated with what I will call Assessment.  That differs from Attraction.  Attraction is the stuff of Infatuation- it's a primitive impulse (sometimes called 'gina tingles) which is like any other 'high', it comes quick and leaves even more quickly (when a 'better man' shows up; ie: one that gives her more tingles).  Attraction, Infatuation and Hypergamy go together.  

When women sized up a man in the past, they looked for Actual Value like actually having a job or treating her well - that was Assessment.  To be fair, Love was a product of both physical attraction and Assessment - but it certainly had the latter.  In an era, where feminism insists on the primacy of a woman's intuition (read: Hamster) - there is no countervailing force to a woman's stone-age shortcuts when it comes to finding a guy that makes her "feel right".

When women today say they felt love at first site today, they are feeling raw Attraction (Infatuation), and that is their only definition of Love.  There is no Assessment of a man for the long term, to assess his good qualities and think rationally that this is the right kind of man for me.  Far more important is raw Attraction - in other words, will this BF look good on my Facebook profile?  The only "assessment" a woman does today is a split-second cavewoman sense of if the man has traits that aided her survival in 10,000 BC and a cynical re-appraisal of this based on his interactions with other men in the weeks and months that follow.  Unsurprisingly, this leads to moronic decisions and their getting f*cked and chucked more times than anyone can remember - and their eventually giving up on men, love, sex, and life itself.  It's just a set of dildos that were mass manufactured in China and a few slogans that they're "a tough independent woman".

Today, the shallowness of women has redefined love in accordance with their unthinking impulses.  The truth is whatever women define as Love (absent that traditionalist grounding to compel women to look at the full spectrum of a man's nature and capabilities, along with his compatibility to her) has rendered the very notion of "Love" extinct.  A few, a dozen or more ONS' in hookup culture and you get a sense of how love is not in the cards.  It is raw infatuation in the 20s, and then defeatist "settling" for the socially acceptable route to have kids- bait a beta male to put a ring on it, and focus on your kids and life while keeping the beta male from causing her "inconvenience". Love was always a manufactured notion - but it depended on a woman's caging the hamster, a woman's belief in the goodness and specialness of men, and her sense that she was different but complementary to him.     I remember hooking up with a girl a bunch of times; one night we hung out in San Francisco and crashed at my friend's place- on a mattress he brought out.  Her friend that came with us and was was hanging out with us that slept on that mattress too.  Me and that girl hooked up despite being on a mattress in a main room with some random girl next to us.  And yet, two weeks later, we went out one day, and I had a migraine.  I knew right there that was the end Smile That was enough for her to go "shopping" again!  Clearly, in a world of men going for the bang, and women's hamster assuming her 'survival' depends on always "upgrading", the long-game is history; and the shared sacrifices that lead to trust and love are not exactly the focus anymore.

With all of that gone, we see something clear.  Civilization is veneer.  Man is only a few steps away from his animal nature but women are even closer.  These abstract concepts that we buy into are what keep us locked into our higher nature.  Women on the other hand evolved differently.  A slight nudge (in this case, feminism) and they are back to pre-civilization behavior.  Which is where they are now.  This is why things like peacocking and AMOG work because they speak to Attraction and Infatuation.  

As Valentine's Day is upon us, let's remember this.  Love, if it existed at all, was a carefully crafted concept.  It always hung by a thread.  Society sold us on the concept.  But in the background, it hammered away at the very preconditions for it to exist.  But in splitting the wishbone, men got the larger half.  Independence to us means a sex life without restraint; ample free time and KEEPING ALL OUR MONEY Smile Independence to them means cat feedings, dropping tears into their empty wine glasses, and pretending hearing about their friends' weddings and babies on facebook don't bother them.  

The absence of love in the modern world may, in a surprising way, be our salvation. Our ticket to ride the open road of life on our own terms in a world which otherwise would have otherwise ensured our servitude in Squaresville.

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Join date : 2014-02-10

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